One of the most sweetest and amazing things that has happened to me in all of my vending days....... This past Holiday Market in Eugene, OR I was vending one weekend and a blind lady came buy feeling up all of the jewelry. I was flattered. Well two weekends later the same women came to my both with her husband. She was feeling all over the place again for something special this time I guess? I approached her and asked if she needed some help and she said "yes" that she was looking for a particular piece that she really loved. So we searched... I had moved things around the weekend before to change the flow.. oops. After searching a bit we found what she was looking for. And she told her husband that was what she wanted for a gift from him for Christmas. What an experience... one that I will always remember.
The jewelry I make usually has texture and weight to it... did it feel nice to touch? Or maybe it was the energy of the stones that she felt? Whatever it was it truly touched me and I felt honored. She couldn't see the vibrant colors that others would see or the unique clasps that I use.. it was something else.. the feeling... or the way that it made her feel when she touched the necklace.
1 comment:
What a beautiful experience...the I got sent a messenger to reassure the I's on the right path. Just goes to show that we should only create in a positive mood; cooking, designing, etc. We manifest only what we can think. Even if we feelin down, take a moment to take in deep breaths and focus on something that can uplift us out of that negative emotion before we continue on our way. Bliss & Guidance Rachel on your positive forward.
*Genesis from RootMatter in Miami.
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