One of the reasons that I love to create jewelry is because not only is it a piece of wearable art it can be healing too. Here is a tidbit more on healing with crystals and gemstones. If there is a crystal that you are interested in the healing properties that is not listed here let me know and I can post more. Be sure to check in with me tomorrow. I will be writing about the crystals and the chakras.
Aventurine - A good luck stone, especially in financial matters. Stimulates creativity, intelligence and perception. A great healing stone, it gives a sense of mental and emotional well-being.
Agate - General protection and healing, increases courage, self-confidence, and energy and promotes longevity.
Amethyst - Iincreases vivid dreams, relieves insomnia, relieves depression, promotes calm, serenity, and spirituality. So the next time you can't sleep, try putting an amethyst under your pillow!
Aquamarine - Iimproves sight, sharpens the mind, calms and clarifies emotions. asist flowing energy and is good for combining intellect and spirituality. It softens ones moods and lifts the spirits.
Aventurine- It has been long held that Aventurine has the ability to ground the spirit and bring balance to male and female energies. Its capacity to calm a troubled spirit or mind and bring an inner peace make Aventurine a popular stone. It helps align physical, emotional and auric bodies. The strong green color of this crystal lends itself to prosperity meditations. Use its strong tangible forces to better your chances for job related help and assistance.
These attributes make it a good choice when creative solutions are needed or critical decisions have to be made. It will also assist in relating to others on an emotional level.
Black tourmaline -will help you ground out negative energy and is a very protective stone. It promotes vitality. A perfect stone for any healer or light worker. It can be used with great success for grounding in conjunction with the root chakra and to draw dis-ease and imbalance from all the chakras. It is also considered to be a wonderful stone for transmuting negativity and protection. For more information on the metaphysical use of tourmaline .
Carnelian - Carnelian combats fear of public speaking and impotence. General healing stone.
Chrysoprase - Soothes heartache and helps depression, promotes emotional balance, wisdom, and peace.
Citrine - Helps digestion and aids in mental and intellectual functions. Increases self-esteem.
Coral - Helps in childbirth and adoption. Wards off bad thoughts from others and promotes general well-being.
Fluorite - All colors of fluorite are effective for auric cleansing and assists in reaching a deeper state of meditation. It encourages stability and the reaching of goals. Purple fluorite can be used to open the third eye and increase psychic awareness. It is used to assist in effective meditation and is associated with spiritual wholeness.
Green Fluorite -a stone of healing at all levels. It encourages you to approach a situation calmly and act decisively.
Purple fluorite is a stone of intuition aiding one in seeing to the heart of matters also usefull in divination and dreams a very intuitive stone.
Garnet - The Garnet is known as the stone for a successful business. It helps protect one on trips. Garnets bring constancy to friendships. It is believed that if a garnet is put under a pillow it will cure depression. Garnets can be used to make a person popular and have self-esteem when worn as jewelry. Sounds very versatile!
Jade - Wisdom, mercy, humility, generosity, peace, and harmony. Protective and lucky when worn as jewelry.
Jasper - Calms a troubled mind. Helps with digestive problems and other ills.
Kyanite - aligns all chakras instantly and can be used to open chakras. It helps promote communication, encourages tranquillity and psychic awareness. Excellent for meditation and dream recall. A wonderful stone for the New Age, Kyanite is also excellent for working on the throat chakra and third eye. Never needs cleaning or clearing.
Malachite - a stone of transformation and balance, assisting in ones spiritual journey. It is capable of stimulating ones intuition and insight whilst helping in recognizing and clearing past negative influences and experiences. It allows for insight into any emotional factors that may be manifesting as physical symptoms. It is also saud to help unlock the meaning of dreams. Traditionally it was worn as a stone of protection.
Moonstone - Draws love and helps in interpersonal relationships.
Peridot - Alleviates anger, fear, and anxiety. Aids digestion and insomnia. Emits a warm and friendly energy. A shield of protection around the body. It is mentioned throughout the Bible, and early Christians considered it sacred.
Quartz - The greatest of all healing stones. Acts as an amplifier for psychic energy and aids meditation and visualization.
Rose Quartz - Great for attracting love. Promotes self-loving and heals emotional wounds as well as promoting peace, forgiveness, and nurturing.
Ruby- The ruby is a stone of nobility. This stone encourages one to follow bliss. It also acts as a "plug" for holes in the energy field. Wonderful stone for the 1st chakra as it stimulates our basic instinct of/for survival. It strengthens both the physical and emotional heart. Ruby brings love, confidence, loyalty, and courage. It instills stamina, vitality and strength. A good stone for removing blocked energies in the reproductive system. It re-energizes one after exhaustion. Also good for balancing the blood's sugar. It also helps to reduce negative thought patterns. Ruby allows you to love Self and Spirit. A good stone of protection. Depending upon which type of metal it is worn with (yellows or silvers) it would bring with it these healing properties as well. The yellows carry the energy of the Sun or a masculine energy, while the silvers carry the energy of the Moon or a feminine energy.
Smoky Quartz - A grounding stone which helps reduce depression and negative emotions. Smoky Quartz aids the reduction of the effects of stress and can transmute fear, anger and other negative emotions into positive energies whilst calming the user. It is also said to provide clarity of thought, improve intuition and to stimulate higher connection in meditative states. As a healing crystal it works well with the first chakra area base of spine and surrounding organs. Smoky quartz is also good for self empowerment.
Sugilite - is extremely effective in those wishing to explore the relationship between physical health and the mental body. It attracts healing power and enables insight into the base causes that manifest as physical problems, whilst enabling the user to channel large amounts of energy and balancing the emotions. Sugilite that is included with veins of Manganese is particularly effective. Try it next time you feel tense or at odds with your surroundings and the situations created therein. It is also incredibly effective at removing headaches. Placed on the forehead it seems to draw out the pain in moments.
Topaz - Topaz soothes physical pain, promotes peace and calms emotions, as well as promoting forgiveness.
Tourmaline - Calm, protection, focus, and balance. Promotes self-assurance and goodwill. Fun fact, you can electrically charge your tourmaline by rubbing it on a piece of fabric. Watch it pick up bits of paper! It attracts dust even better so you'll have to clean it more often than other gemstones.
Turquoise(one of my favorites) - Turquoise healing stone. Attracts friendships, luck, and happiness. Releases shame and guilt. Turquoise is among the crystal healing master stones. Its powers can benefit the whole body, with special strengths in healing ailments of the immune, respiratory, waste and skeletal systems. Crystal healers recommend it for detoxification of alcohol, poison, pollution or radiation in the body, treatment of high blood pressure, asthma, infections, TMJ and dental problems. Turquoise is supposed to be a stone of communication. It is recommended for people who have a fear of public speaking. They believe it has the ability to make a speaker more eloquent, loving, creative and honest. But it is also improves the mental state overall by increasing all of the following positive mental characteristics: serenity, creativity, empathy, positive thinking, sensitivity, intuition, happiness wisdom all of which result in a calmer state that leads to greater self-realization. It is also considered a stone of friendship. As a communication stone, it opens up the connections between friends and allowing love to flow in those communications, which strengthens the friendship bond. Turquoise has the power to strengthen convictions, courage and personal power. Overall, Turquoise is said to open all chakras, allowing the stones powers of love and communication to flow through the entire being. Healers associate it primarily with the Throat or 5th chakra. This chakra is the center of communication, creativity, serenity and spiritual bonding. Turquoise can also benefit the operation of the Heart Chakra by opening it up for giving and receiving love. On the brow Chakra, it strengthens the connection to great spirit. The blue color has come to symbolizes the spirit or sky source for spiritualists.